Anti-Inflammatory Eye and Whole Body Package 1 (1 month supply)
Great combinations of antioxidants and herbs to help reduce eye and overall inflammation and well as helping to nourish eye and body health (Savings of 10%).
This package is discounted 10%
Package content includes:
Advanced Eye and Vision Support (whole food, organic) formula – 60 vcaps - great natural eye formula with targeted antioxidants for eye and overall health.
Astaxanthin 12MG - this is a potent antioxidant (50 times more powerful than Vitamin E) with natural anti-inflammatory properties.
Dr. Grossman's Blood Vessel Control Formula (2 oz)
OmegaGenics™ EPA-DHA 720 Lemon 120 gels
Zyflamend Whole Body 120 Vcaps (ZYF12) - excellent anti-inflammatory formula with a wide range of herbs including: Barberry, Chinese Goldthread, Chinese Skullcap, Ginger, Holy Basil, Organic Green Tea, Organic Rosemary and more.
Dr. Grossman’s Omega-7 Chronic Dry Eye and Anti-Inflammatory Formula - helps reduce inflammation, can reduce risk of type II diabetes, prevent the buildup of atherosclerotic plaque, increase beneficial HDL and lower an inflammation marker called C-reactive protein.
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