Oclumed Eye Drops 20ml (2-10ml bottles) (2% NAC solution) Special
Discounted price from the single bottle option.
Recommended with the Oclumed eyedrops are the Eyebright Drops with MSM) 1oz, which when applied 1/2-1 minute before the Oclumed, helps the nutrients in the Oclumed get absorbed deeper into the lens of the eye.
New packaging, guaranteed sterile bottles (preservative free), improved formula.
SAVINGS of $18.95).
Suggested Use: Gently swirl the bottle each time before opening, then apply one drop in each eye 2-3 times a day. After initial period of 3-6 months, a lower maintenance dosage is 1 to 2 drops in each eye daily or continue using 2-3 times per day.
Do not use with contacts in. If you use contacts, then gently swirl the bottle each time before opening, and don’t put in contacts within 15 minutes of using the drops. Use of Oclumed with contacts in may damage the contact lenses.
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